Replace last version, when creating new versions

I would like to be able to just replace the last saved version with a new one, for doing small modifications/corrections.

Maybe my workflow is unorthodox, but I work mostly with local files, and use online files only to share design with clients and do handoff. So my version are usually big milestones, not small changes.

It happens mostly when I create starred version, to send clients and devs. Sometimes I need to make a little correction afterwards and I don’t really need a new version. I can get around this by creating another starred version, using the same description text, and then going in the web app to un-star the previous version, so it looks cleaner in the version menu. I could also delete the previous version, but then the macOS app doesn’t like that. I know it ain’t great versioning wise, but this also ain’t github :upside_down_face:

While not really necessary, I think it would be nice to have.
When creating versions in the desktop app, the Save Document Version dialog could have a checkbox, with a warning probably.

Hey Jean!

Thank you for sharing this with us. And it’s kind of funny you shared this one with us, because, that is how the system works, basically.

After a while, we start to purge those versions that seem to be repeated. This means that all those versions you create while working, and that do not really need, are purged by the system after a while, and we keep all the Starred versions (which btw, Viewers will only see the latest Starred version). Plus some other versions of the document depending how long you’ve been working on it.

Your case

I think what you’re doing is the most logical and simplest of workflows. Since you’re working with Starred versions, your clients and devs (which we guess are Viewers on the Workspace) should only be able to see that latest one. You, being an Editor, are able to see the whole version history, but as mentioned, we try to cleanup the list after a while.

Let us know if this helps!

Hi raul,

It’s interesting to know that non-starred version are deleted as time goes by. Even non-starred one with descriptions?

For my case, it seems to me that everyone can see all the starred versions if they look in the versions menu.
I’ve just opened an old file with multiple starred versions, took the sharing link for viewing only, and opened it in an incognito window. I could see all the starred versions as a guest there.

In my case, I can do a new starred version, and un-star the previous one. But if I also have to copy paste the description to stay tidy. Just some extra step for small corrections.

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