Lost file / workspace


Sorry if this is a bit of a noob question, but I first used Sketch back in January after signing-up for a free trial. I thought it was great, but then the project I was originally using it for didn’t go anywhere at the time, and so I had no need to continue with a paid account.

Anyway, it turns out that this project has now become relevant again and I’ve tried to reinstate my account, but when I try to access the file it says that:

“This document no longer exists. It may have been deleted from the Workspace or moved somewhere else”.

I can still see the thumbnail in my recent files in Sketch, but can’t open it. I imagine this is probably down to the account having been inactive these last few months, however I assumed the file would have been saved on my Mac had I ever needed but either that’s not the case or I had failed to take the relevant steps at the time.

Is there any way to get this back, or has it gone forever?


Hey there!

There might be a change your document still lives within your computer. Can you try these steps and see if they help?

  • Quit Sketch (⌘Q / Command-Q)
  • Open a new Finder window in the menubar: Go > Go to Folder…. (You can also press ⇧⌘****G / Shift-Command-G)
  • Paste this path: ~/Library/Application Support/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3/CloudDocuments and click Go
  • You’ll see several folders with temporary files stored by the Mac App. Try ordering them by date and see if you can find the document you’re looking for.

The CloudDocuments folder is where the Mac app keeps a copy of all the documents you work with, that are also saved on the Workspace. If this fails, you can reach to our colleagues in Account Operations (mail@sketch.com) and hopefully they’ll have more info!

Let us know if this helps :pray:

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Thanks so much for this. It didn’t look like it was going to work; I initially got the same error message, but it did finally open up in Sketch and I’ve been able to safely save down a copy.

Thanks again - I was on the verge of throwing myself out of the window! :slight_smile: