Unsaved File Recovery

sketch crashed before i can save my file and i don’t have a local back file to recover
is there anyway i can find this lost file

Hello @adarwish0 :wave:

I’m truly sorry this is happening to you. I can only imagine how disheartened you are feeling facing the idea that you could lose your recent work.

Because of the offline capabilities of Sketch there might be a way to recover this information. I suggest the following:

  1. Quit Sketch
  2. Open Finder, go to menu bar “Go” → Go to Folder…” and paste this string: ~/Library/Application Support/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3/CloudDocuments
  3. A window will pop up with a list of folders with alphanumeric names, sort by date and open the folders until you locate the local copy of the file you need
  4. Once you’ve located the file, copy and paste it to your Desktop
  5. Select the copy on your Desktop and press ⌘I (CMD+I) to display the file’s information window
  6. Locate the “Name and extension” section and change the extension from “.sketchcloud” to “.sketch
  7. You’ll see a message asking you if you want to use .sketch, confirm that you’ll use .sketch
  8. Open the file with Sketch and check that your latest changes are there- It will open as a local file

We hope this method helps you retrieve your work. Please let us know if you’re successful.:crossed_fingers:

Cheers :pray:

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Hello there @adarwish0 ! :wave:

Apart from the path that @Cris sent you a while ago, and since you mentioned that the file was not saved yet, I would also recommend you check this location:

~/Library/Mobile Documents/Sketch

Also, if you have the macOS autosave feature on, you can check this other path:

~/Library/Autosave Information

I hope you are able to find a copy in any of these folders! :pray: