The Inspector Lag When Selecting SF Pro Font Layer

The Inspector is lagging for a few seconds when selecting a text layer where SF Pro font is used. I’m running macOS beta but my wife experiencing the same issues with non-beta software (macos 14, Sketch 100 and SF Symbols 5.1).

  • macOS 15.0 Beta (24A5327a)
  • Sketch 101 (181903)
  • SF Symbols 5.1 (91.4)

Hey Roman,

This seems related to an issue previously reported. The cause of the lag could be caused by a version of the iOS UI library that has internal SF Pro fonts embedded unintendedly. You can quickly check for this by opening your document and selecting a text layer set with SF Pro (or create a new one)

Nxt, open the font weight dropdown and if you see something like in the image below, you have the internal SF Fonts and this is causing the lag:

If this is the case, you’ll need to do two things:

  • Unembed SF Pro from any affected documents. Save and close the document
  • Uninstall the current iOS UI library and install the updated version from Apple

However, if the issue persists, could you share a sample document to our support email please?

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Hey Jorge! Thanks for this solution. I was wondering why I’m seeing so many variations of the same weight in the list

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Hey Roman! Yeah, all those weights made it to the public library version :sweat_smile: but that was corrected in the latest update. :raised_hands: