Can't change font after using Variable Font custom weight

When using Variable Fonts, using a custom weight bugs the font family dropdown and locks font change.


  • Create a textfield and use a variable font.
  • Select custom weight, and set it to a custom value
  • Try changing the font to another font (variable or not)

The dropdown just won’t accept any selection.

Changing the weight to a normal existing one (ex: Regular) solves the issue.

Expected behavior: Should change to the selected font, and if possible choose the closest possible weight to the custom one.

Tested in latest Sketch release and beta.


Hi @Jean-Francois-b :wave:

We are aware of this quirk since it is related to variable fonts and how macOS influences Sketch.

To help you, can you tell me: when double-clicking directly on the text layer restores the ability to make alterations to the text section of the inspector menu when you see this situation?

I’ve seen cases where this restores the editing abilities of this section.

Let me know!

Cheers :pray:

Hi @Cris ,

Thanks for your reply.

Double-clicking the text layer on the canvas? Like I would do to select the text or part of it?

Doesn’t change anything for me.

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I have the same issue. Double-clicking the text layer doesn’t help either.

This may or mayn’t be related but the editor also just becomes slow in this scenario. For example, there’s a noticeable delay in selecting the text layer and having the inspector respond.

Hi @martinjr and @Jean-Francois-b :wave:

I’m sorry that my solution is not working here. Please, could you send me a sample document containing an affected text layer so I can perform additional tests?

The best email to send it to is

Cheers :pray:

Hi @Cris,

The issue seems to happen with all textfields and all variable fonts.
I’ve sent you a Sketch file anyway, although it should be very easy to reproduce on your side.
