New Mirror App Font Issues

Hey, I only recently switched to the paid subscription with workspace and new iOS mirror app.

I am not able to get the iOS View & Mirror App to load fonts correctly. As a result it’s currently unusable for my work.
I’ve gone to Document Settings and ensured that all fonts are embedded. But still not working.
Two of the fonts that are having issues are San Francisco variants. Any weirdness with those? This also includes issues with SF Symbols. Text are just rendering as Helvetica and SF Symbols are showing up as question blocks.

Hey @notnotjake

Thanks for reporting this.

I can reproduce this as well. We’re looking at the issue now and we will keep you updated here.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi @notnotjake! :wave:

I wanted to circle back regarding your report. Since you first brought this to our attention, we’ve rolled out several updates, including some iOS improvements that address related issues.

Could you kindly let us know if you’re still encountering the problem with the SF variant fonts?

Cheers :pray:

Hi @notnotjake I just wanted to check if you’re still seeing missing fonts in the iOS app. You should have no problem viewing SF fonts and symbols, but let us know if you run into any isues.

Yes. Still having issues with SF fonts and SF Symbols. Everything is up to date

Closing and reopening Sketch Mirror sometimes fixes and sometimes doesn’t fix it.

Thank you for this report. We will continue to look into this.

I’m missing SF symbols too. They work fine on the web but in the iOS Mirror app some of them are missing.