Symbol search issues

When I search for symbols, I get the wrong results. The search somehow remembers the previous entry and uses it in the More Results menu. This happens when I enter a symbol name and quickly change the entry to something else. For example, I searched for “person” and then changed it to “account”. As you can see, I get correct suggestions on the first level, but when I go to More results, I get person-related results.

This bug is not new.


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Personally, I don’t use the symbol search because, as you also pointed out, it has never worked properly in my opinion. For example, when I search for a symbol in the document I’m currently working on, I get 10 results from other libraries that are not even in use in the document. Additionally, the order in which the results are presented doesn’t make sense to me (neither alphabetically by symbols or libraries nor based on the position of the term I’m searching for).

I recommend pressing “C” and using the components panel, where you can at least limit the search to a specific library or even a category group.

Hello there,

Thank you both for the feedback! We truly appreciate it and there’s actually a team working on improving this right now (Roadmap · Sketch → Command Bar improvements).

@CarmenAtBYTEPOETS For your specific use case, I think your documents and setup might benefit a lot from using Document LIbraries. By using them you can improve the performance (cause whenever you enable a document Library it only gets loaded when you open that doucment).

By using them (and deactivating any other un-used Libraries in the Mac app Settings) this could lead to improved results.

To summarize:

  • Open Sketch
  • In the menubar: Sketch → Settings
  • Switch to the Libraries tab and then deactivate any Libraries that you aren’t using on all documents
  • Then open one of your documents
  • In the menubar: File → Document Settings…
  • Switch to the Libraries tab and either enable the Libraries you want, or have the app mark the ones currently in used and available to you automatically.
  • Done!

Do let us know if this helps!

@Paulius we’ll report the issue right away with the team. While testing we found something else related to the population and rendering of this menu, so we thank you for reporting this! We’ll update here when we know more!

Hi Raul,
There is another search issue. When you press the + (insert) button. Is there a way we could have search already enabled to type instead of having to select search. Thanks

Hi Raul,
thank you for your feedback! I’ve always had Document Libraries enabled.
01 - document libraries

But I didn’t realize that I should uncheck all Libraries not used in all documents within the general Sketch settings. I initially thought this would generally deactivate them as it was before you introduced document libraries. (I’ve been using Sketch for 8 years now and some things changed :joy: ) Since making these changes and focusing solely on the Document Libraries, the search results have indeed become much more relevant.

Before limiting libraries:

After limiting libraries:

Still, it would be more logical if the active Document Libraries could be prioritized in the suggestions, even when not limiting Libraries to just Document Libraries?! :wink:
Thanks for your help.

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