Where does this issue happen (Mac, web, iPhone)?
Mac -
Can you provide a short summary of your case (step-by-step if relevant)?
When I try to access any symbol (double-clic) from the Components View Sketch crash and closes unexpectedly. This is a very annoying issue that happens since I update to the latest version 99 -
Do you have an image, video or Sketch document showcasing this bug?
Hey Noela,
Thanks for the report! We indeed have detected this issue and the team is actively working to release a hotfix for the Mac app to solve this issue.
It appears that some changes and improvements we made to the app left this tiny edge case in and the team is already aware of it.
If you’d like, you can share your email with us via productsupport@sketch.com and we’ll let you know as soon as the fix is out!
Get the Beta now!
Our team has also confirmed that they have released a new Beta (get it here) where some of the fixes for this issue are included. If you’d like, you can take it for a spin and let us know if the behaviour keeps ocurring there!
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Thanks for your answer!!!
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