New in Sketch: Resolve annotations, experimental features, and more!

Hey everyone :wave:

We’ve just shipped a fresh update to the Mac app — and rolled out the ability to resolve annotations across the Mac and web apps! You can open the Mac app right now to update, or stick around to read more about this release.

Resolve annotations

Thanks to @KarlCanBeCool for spotting this one in the web app and asking about Mac support in Resolve comments in Sketch file. We enabled this in the web app in time for the 96 beta, and now it’s available in the release build of the Mac app, too!

When you’re finished discussing feedback or want to mark a to-do comment as done, you can click the check button to mark that annotation as resolved. Resolved annotations disappear from the Canvas view, but you can bring them back by hitting Shift-Control-N. You can also click on the checkmark button inside a resolved annotation to re-open it.

Smart Layout in groups

We know a lot of you want to see Smart Layout do a lot more (looking at you folks over in auto layout not only in symbols) so we’ve released Smart Layout in groups as an Experimental feature.

What’s an Experimental Feature? It’s one that we’re still working on and building. It’s by no means 100% complete, but we wanted to share a preview with you to see what you make of it and get your feedback. You can find out more about this over in this Smart Layout in groups forum topic.

Other improvements and enhancements

This Mac release comes with a whole host of small-but-mighty improvements. I won’t list them all here, but I will share a few of my favorites:

  • We now show a Preserve space when hidden option in the Inspector when you select a nested Symbol inside a parent Symbol that uses Smart Layout. If you enable that and hide that nested Symbol, we’ll preserve the empty space that nested Symbol took up, instead of collapsing it down in line with the parent Symbol’s Smart Layout rules.
  • When you hover over the different options in the blending modes menu, we now show an instant, on-Canvas preview of how each blending mode would affect your selected layer. I’ll admit, I’m never quite sure what each blending mode does, so this one helps me out a lot. :sweat_smile:
  • We now show lots more on-Canvas information when you edit a gradient. You’ll see things like points positions, Start/End labels, and values for angle, length and ratio. It makes editing gradients on the Canvas much easier and more accurate.

There’s plenty more in this release beyond those few examples, so do take a look at the release notes if you’d like to read about them all.

I really hope you enjoy this update. We’re already working on the next one and we’ll have a beta for that to share with you soon. In the meantime, if you have any feedback or suggestions to share about this release, you can do so in the usual channels — Share an issue and Suggest an idea.

We read everything you share with us in the forum and try to respond to as much as we can. Your feedback helps us shape Sketch, so thank you!


Great news, thank you for sharing this update with the community! The ability to resolve annotations across both the Mac and web apps is a fantastic addition and will surely enhance collaboration among team members. I appreciate the effort the team has put into developing this feature, and I’m looking forward to trying it out. Thanks again for keeping us in the loop!