Shortcut to select entire artboard

Hi everyone!

Is there a shortcut to select the current artboard? Let’s say I’m working on an artboard, and I get everything in there the way I want it and now I want to select the artboard I’m working in so that I can rename it, or move it or delete or some other thing? Is there a shortcut to select the whole thing (and not another artboard in the same project?) It’s becoming a pain to zoom out, draw box around the whole thing with the mouse and then do whatever I need to do. I feel like there should be a key command that just lets you select it. Does that exist?



Typically I’d just use cmd+0, 1 or 2 to quickly zoom to my desired level and select the artboard. Alternatively, you can use the escape key repeatedly until you’ve selected the parent artboard you’re trying to select.

Note that in my opinion, escape is much less intuitive than, for example, shift+return, since return is used to select children.

A quick workaround to this (we don’t really have a Select Artboard shortcut) could be:

  • Have an element highlighted on the Artboard
  • Press ⌘⎋ (Command-Escape) ← this selects the Page
  • Then right-after press ⇥ Tab ← This selects the Artboard

If you’re feeling fancy, you could create a Macro (QMK/VIA/Any other keeb tool) to perform the sequence in one go :slight_smile:


This is exactly what I’m trying to do! Thank you! This works perfect!


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