Prototype preview colors are muted (not adopting P3 settings?)

When previewing a prototype on my Mac, the colors are visible muted compared to the original artboards. Not sure if this is by design or a regression, but I just noticed it. Perhaps the preview doesn’t respect the color settings of the document (it’s set to P3 color)? This screenshot makes it clear:

Hey Lennart! Thanks for bringing this up and welcome to the Forum! It’s great to have you here!

You’re right, colors look faded in the Preview screen. I’ve shared this with the Tech team so they can look into it. I’ll post any updates here as they become available.

Thanks again :pray:

Does the prototype player render colors in the same format as the canvas ?
Screenshot attached (see Buy Button color difference)

Canvas is in P3 color profile. Prototype player looks like sRGB.
When i export the same artboard as a PNG the color looks as it should.

Sketch Verison 100.1
Mac OS 12.7.5

I see this has been reported here, happy to have these topics merged.

Any update on the issue ?

:wave: Hi @marktmcewan

Thanks for sharing. I’ve merged both topics.

This issue is still pending and the involved team is aware of it. We’re working hard to bring you more Prototyping features. This one will come, although we don’t have yet an estimate. Thanks for bearing with us in the meantime :pray: