Images in Client Project Transparent after random Update

Hey Jonathan, thanks for sharing the Document!

Here’s what we found:

  • On the ORIGINAL_FEED Artboard:

    • The Rectangle Copy layer (which acts as a mask) is set to 22% Opacity. Setting it to 100% fixes the opacity problem.
  • On the NEW VERSION Artboard

    • Same thing happens with some Groups and Masks that are inside the Group 4 folder.
    • We managed to find most of them and adjust the Opacity so the Artboards look as you intended them to.

This might be related to a change we made related to how Masks works and how the Masking layer is the one that controls the overall opacity of the Mask and its contents.

Here’s the sample Document with all the fixes applied! Let us know if this helps!

Client Project Troubleshooting.sketch (2.9 MB)