Artboard names bug?

I’m seeing a possible bug with the artboard names. Not sure if they are getting duplicated or it’s just a random character string. Hard to tell.
image (23)

Hi Derek.
I am seeing both grey and purple names here. This suggests both a regular Artboard and a Symbol Artboard.
Can I please ask you to check and confirm if you have perhaps inadvertently placed one Artboard directly over another? Select the Artboard, and then drag it to the side, to see if there is another Artboard underneath.
If this is not the case, and you are still experiencing an issue, could I please ask you to send a copy of this document to and we’ll take a look at it.

Thanks for your response. There are no other artboards over or under. This may be a temporary glitch. Switching from one page to another fixes the issue. Also, it’s not happening on all the time on every file.

Thanks for the reply. I’ll add this to the checklist of things to look out for in this area of the app.

Can I please ask you what version of the app you were using when you noticed this happen?
And if it is the version 101 Beta, did you re-name the Artboard directly on the Canvas (as opposed to in the Layer List)?

Temporary glitches can be difficult to resolve though, so if you do happen to replicate it again, please let us know the steps you went through to make it happen, and we can look into it further. :pray: