A fresh lick of paint for the forum

This is a little meta, but for the regulars around here, you may have noticed the forum’s theme got an update during the last week.

The reality under-the-hood was that this was a significant, from-the-ground-up rewrite by our very own @Keir — improving the colors and styling (they’re a bit brighter and more in line with our most recent web app UI update) and fixing a lot of hacky CSS.

It’s a huge effort that you’re hopefully all benefitting from in ways that may not even be obvious, so I didn’t want it to go unnoticed.

Great job @Keir! :clap:


ahh thanks Freddie! :smile:

There’s a few small things on my list to fix but if anyone spots anything else misbehaving or that doesn’t look quite right then do drop me a note! :pray:

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i like the changes. i would love to have a dark mode


With @Keir’s rewrite — we’re a lot closer to that than we were before! When we could do it largely depends on bugs we need to fix with the light theme and time among other projects. So…what this space, but at the same time, no promises :sweat_smile:


There is a glitch at the bottom for some cases where “Solution” is present.
Speaking of the overall look & feel, nice work, btw!

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Thanks for the polish, @Keir, the forum looks greater than ever :raised_hands:

Here’s a few minor nitpicks for the mobile version (Safari, iOS 18):

  1. The post actions container looks like it could use some left padding (might be relevant to the issue @leohans has reported above):

  2. The font size for list items in posts differs from the rest of the text:

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@leohans @rodionovd ahh thank you for pointing these out!

It’s a bit of an ongoing battle but I feel that I’m winning overall but I’ll certainly get these bits resolved!

Any other issues you come across, do feel free to post :slight_smile:


Great work, thank you @Keir

  1. The post list in some sections has a weird layout, seem to be caused by long text in the title or excerpt. For example in Off-topic. It forces the user cards in column instead of rows. It does not happen in other sections like ‘Suggest an idea’.

  1. All my post titles are faded in grey (–primary-medium), and aren’t affected by the ‘visited’ class of the parent. The section title (“Suggest an idea 0 votes”) changes color when visited, but it’s very subtle.

‘Hidden Pages’ has been visited in this exemple, but not “I’d like to add simple…”

Chrome latest. Did a force refresh to reload all css.

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Hi Jean-Francois,

Thanks for your reports here!
I haven’t been able to reproduce the first issue you mentioned.

I wonder whether you could try in a Private Browser window or something so that any extensions that you have installed aren’t enabled as it’s possible something there might be causing this issue for you :thinking:

Regarding your second point, I definitely agree that there needs to be a clearer distinction between visited vs not visited URL’s and so I’ll make a change there to make that more obvious!

Thanks again!

I’ve fixed these two issues - thanks again for reporting!

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I think i’ve got this one solved! :slight_smile:

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I’ve tweaked it so there’s a much clearer difference between topics that you have viewed :+1:

For that first issue, I tried in a Private browser, and it looked fine until I logged in.
I’ve took a closer look and it seems to be caused by the ‘topic-list-item-separator’ (" – LAST VISIT – "). If I use the Chrome tools to display:none the element, the problem goes away.

Thanks for the color change in the title, it is much clearer, it’s great.

While testing this, I found a little hidden feature in the ‘visited’ status of posts. It seems to only say I have ‘visited’ a post if I have scrolled down all the way in the actual post conversation. If I just navigate to the post, don’t scroll, and navigate back to the post list (both using ‘back’ in the browser, or the in page menu), it doesn’t register as ‘visited’. It’s kinda weird, but fine :upside_down_face:


Sorry, I was on vacation for a couple of weeks but thank you for following up on this. I’ll look into it further and see about getting it fixed properly :smile:

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I’m glad the title’s clearer - it was a good point you made so I’m glad that’s sorted out!

As for the visited status, I’ll do some testing on this. I’m not sure I experienced this behaviour but it’s also possible that this might be how it works on Discourse (in which case, maybe there’s another way to improve on this) so I’ll dig in to it further! :pray:

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@Keir No worries! Thanks for the support.

I’ve notice this little visual bug on the button to tag an answer as the solution:

Bottom-left, there are some button and text overlap.



aha yes that one is on my list, thanks! :smile:

Really interesting discussion. Loved it.

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I would like to second the interest for dark mode, I’m a CompSci student so I rarely ever see daylight.

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