Sketch prototype showing old versions/designs

Hi. I just ran into this strange issue with sharing prototypes. I have this website design prototype and if I open the link in a browser, its shows and prototypes ok. But if I send the prototype (same link) out to external contacts, some are seeing an old layout and some are seeing the current/correct version. When I try opening the prototype in Incognito mode, I see the OLD version.
I’ve tried the following things to fix:

  • Cleared Cache
  • Restarted sketch
  • Restarted computer
  • Even created an entirely NEW artboard and dropped in the page design into the new artboard. This new artboard should not have any history of any old designs in it.

Still does not work. Appreciate the help

Hi there @AlessioD2

Thanks for reaching out. This can also be caused if you have starred versions in your document.

As an Editor, you are able to always see the latest version, but if you have starred versions , Viewers, Guests and signed out users that access a public link (the incognito window) will only see the latest starred version.

To checkif this is the case, open your document in the Web app and click on the versions icon, if you have a starred version you will see something like this:

To fix this, there are two options:

  1. Unstar all versions – this will let your external contacts see the latest version you’ve created
  2. Star the latest version. If you have multiple starred versions, Viewers can see all of them.

I hope this helps and please let us know if you run into any issues


Thank you. I didn’t realize I starred a version a few days ago. I was also confused because some people saw current and some saw old. I didn’t realize some were members, I guess. Thank you!

Hi Alessio,

Awesome, I’m very glad to read about this!

If the current version wasn’t starred and other people saw it, they must be Editors. Thanks again for reaching out and let us know if there’s anything else we can help with! :raised_hands:

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I have the same issue that the developer can’t see the latest design and obviously the editors can. we have no starred version or versions at all. I did ask them to clear cache etc, but no change

Hi @AnGN,

Sorry to hear about this. Can you email us at and help us out with the following?

  1. Activate Support Access on your Workspace so we can see the document
  2. The affected document link
  3. The email of the affected user

We’ll look into it right away as soon as we have this information :pray: