Show comments together with links in prototype view

When in prototype view, users can follow links to other artboards. However, one cannot see at the same time if there is any unread comment.
After one clicks on the comment symbol to check if there are unread comments, one cannot continue following links (they seem to be disabled).

So when I explore a prototype, I have to continuously switch between the “normal” view (being able to follow a click path) and “comment” view (to see if there is any comment).

This is absolutely tedious and may even lead to me not discovering new comments or not following links, simply because I lose track.

I suggest one of the following:

  • simplest solution: show unread comments in “normal” prototype view, either as a number or simply as a notification highlight on the “comments” symbol
  • preferred solution: allow reading comments and navigating links in the same view/mode

Hi Frieder,

My apologies for the late reply and thank you for bringing this up. I agree, this can certainly improve.

I’ve shared this with the team so they can take a look into it and make navigation / reading comments better :pray:

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