Screen glitches

I use to have this issue long time ago, but it was resolved.
After the last update I randomly get this strange rectangles. After zooming in/out they dissapear.

CleanShot 2023-09-19 at 09.34.09

Hey Leo, thanks for reporting this! I’ll look into it and run some tests and share an update.

:wave: @leohans I couldn’t reproduce it based on what I can see in the video. I tried on my laptop’s screen and my external monitor; so I was wondering if you can share a sample file so I can double check the colors and layers that are triggering these render artifacts.

Many thanks in advance

The artboard has this background color:
H 148
S 100
L 37
Alpha 8

Foreground color doesn’t matter. It’s the same for all. I’ll send a link in a PM

Hey Leo, thanks for the info about the Artboard’s background color. I managed to reproduce it. I’ll file this and share it with the team.

Thanks again for reporting it

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