[Released] Subfolders in Sketch-Cloud

Hey folks :wave:

Excited to share with you all that we have just released a new feature called “Collections”, and its available in the Sketch 97 Beta (Read the beta release announcement for more) as well as the web app! We won’t be shouting too loudly about it yet, as we’ll be saving that for the public release of Sketch 97 :smirk:

As per the Collections documentation:

Collections help you better organize documents inside of projects. Like projects, Collections are workflow-agnostic. You can use them to group documents however you like and you can create as many as you need. You can also search within Collections, move documents between them and remove them when they’re no longer helpful.

Thanks for your feedback in this thread. I’m going to close it now, but if you find you have feedback on collections, please feel free create a new topic, as this helps us in tracking requests! Looking forward to reading your initial thoughts over in the beta release thread :star_struck: