Prototyping - pages load always from the top

How to ensure prototype web pages load always from the top in Sketch?
thank you

Hi there Honewa, welcome to the Forum!

Can you share a bit more detail about this question? On the Web app, document pages will fit the browser viewport, and if it’s rather small, it loads from the top left.

On the web prototype player, all artboards are shown from the top left, unless you’re using the option to keep the position after scrolling.

If possible, can you share a screenshot or a quick video? Many thanks! :pray:

Thank you for the message.
The pages vary in length and I always get somewhere down or in the middle, but I need the pages to always start at the top.

I am sending a short video to give you a better idea:

Thank you

Hi there!

Thanks for the screenshot and the video! This can be caused by using artboards that are not templates. When you use a custom size artboard that you want to scroll, Sketch needs to have a “baseline” to know when should the scroll kick in.

Artboard templates create this baseline. When you set an artboard as a template or use a premade template from a library, the app knows the original height and thus, if a scroll is needed.

However, f you don’t use a template, the app doesn’t know what’s the original height, and, as a result, if a scroll is needed. (I know, this can improve for sure)

Follow these steps to fix your prototype:

1- Open your document Select the artboard that has the unwanted effect

On the Inspector, check if your artboard has a custom size:

2- If this is the case, you have two options:

  • Make the artboard a template
  • Use a premade template

Once all your artboards are using a Template, the prototype should work as expected. Let me know if you run into any issues

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Thank you very much for your help, I have set up the same Artboards on all screens and it works now.

Thank you and have a nice day

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This didn’t work for me. If I scroll down a page and click the link it moves to the other page in a similar position. It doesn’t load the next page at the top. I have not checked maintain position and have set all the pages as a template.

Hi there @airscool

Welcome to the Forum!

:thinking: If you’ve checked that you’re using templates and there are no “Fix position when scrolling” the best option is if I can take a look at your setup. Can you share a copy or sample file so I can test with it?

You can share it privately to our support email:

Thanks! :pray:

Thanks. I have emailed you a download link to

Hi Glen, we received your file, thank you! I’ll take a look and share an update via email :raised_hands:

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