Viewing in browser - actual size (100%)

Hi there, so I want to show my design progress to the client. Instead of exporting my artboards to pdf, I’d like to use the online version. What I ran into is the view settings. I notice that every artboard is shown with a different size. Seems like the default view mode is fit in the browser window. But for the review/presentation of my design it is better to show it on actual size. Now I have to set it to actual size manually each time I select an artboard. Is there a way to set the view mode to actual size? For me this is a reason to stick with the export/pdf setup… Thx!

To be clear; I create my designs locally in Sketch and then select the ‘View in browser…’ option in the menu bar. My question is about the view settings when viewing the design in browser (I’m using Safari on a Mac).

Hi there Wouter!

Welcome to the Forum, thank you for taking the time to share this.

You can select the view preference you need and share a link that will load with that preference every time. You’ll need to use the web app to do it.

Follow these steps once you’ve saved your document to your workspace

  • Open the document in the web app
  • Press D to show the Document Details panel
  • Click on the prototype thumbnail you need
  • Once the prototype has loaded, click on the display dropdown
  • Select Actual size
  • Click on the link icon and then click on Copy link

The link you copied will open the prototype with the display option you selected.

Here’s a quick video, I hope it helps:

Hi Jorge! I do not have prototypes, only art boards.

Hey @wouter_studiodeining

Thanks for your reply. The best option to always display in actual size is creating a prototype. Customers can navigate the artboards and leave comments too (they’ll need to create an account)

Zoom controls on artboard view (outside prototypes) default to Fit as you’ve seen and there’s a quick shortcut to display in actual size (⇧0), but it has to be done manually.

Creating a prototype is very quick, here’s a demo that shows how you can create a presentation prototype by selecting the artboards, adding a starting point and selecting Auto link to right Artboard

I hope this helps and I’ve also taken notice of your request and shared it with the team :pray:

Thanks Jorge!

In this case, it is just me showing the progress to the client via an online meeting. So it is not the client accessing the online design. It will be an extra step for me creating a prototype, only to show the progress. It’s clear to me how to work with prototypes, as I’ve done it before. But, as I understand, there’s no other option for using the actual size view?

Thx, Wouter

Correct, currently you’ll need to manually set the view to actual size.

If it’s an online meeting, you could also show the design from the Mac app, no need to switch to the web app, and then pan and zoom on the canvas as needed, no prototype either.

You can use the shortcut ⌘. (Cmd + period) to hide Sketch’s interface and focus on your artboards.

I hope this helps!

You’re totally right haha, thx!

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