Problem downloading asset from sketch cloud


I’m having a problem regarding downloading an asset from sketch cloud.

I have a symbol that inside has another symbol (of an image) in a layer and I have putted an export layer over that layer, as you can see in next:

The problem is that when I inspect this symbol in the sketch cloud and try to download the image, it doesn’t let me download in the different types of format I have configured as you can see in this image:

Is there someone with the same problem or am I doing something wrong here?


Hello @noe :wave:,

Thank you for reaching out! From inspecting the pictures you shared, all settings seem to be correct, so it’s unclear why you’re unable to download the asset from the web app.

Could you please email us at the URL of the affected document and enable support access for us? These two steps will help us investigate further.

Here’s how to enable Support Access: Support Access Steps.

Cheers :pray:

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