Jump to other part of the page in prototype

I would love to be able to make a link in my prototype, to jump to another part of the page (like an anchor)

Noted! Thanks for sharing @pasxal and welcome tot he forum

I fully support this suggestion! It would be great to see it implemented in a way like this:

  • Use the link function on the desired group on the artboard (currently, this converts a group into an overlay).
  • Display a second dropdown in the prototype tab once the current artboard is selected with groups from this artboard
    (Finally properly naming your groups and layers would come in handy :smiley: )

This feature has always been possible in InVision, and I’ve missed it several times in Sketch. :pleading_face:

Additionally, it would be amazing to have the option to set anchor links as a fixed feature within symbols. InVision has never supported this, and it would make prototyping much more efficient. For example, being able to fix anchors like a “Link to top” in a website footer or jumping from a contact link in the header menu directly to a contact form embedded in the footer.