Jump to other part of the page in prototype

I would love to be able to make a link in my prototype, to jump to another part of the page (like an anchor)

Noted! Thanks for sharing @pasxal and welcome tot he forum

I fully support this suggestion! It would be great to see it implemented in a way like this:

  • Use the link function on the desired group on the artboard (currently, this converts a group into an overlay).
  • Display a second dropdown in the prototype tab once the current artboard is selected with groups from this artboard
    (Finally properly naming your groups and layers would come in handy :smiley: )

This feature has always been possible in InVision, and I’ve missed it several times in Sketch. :pleading_face:

Additionally, it would be amazing to have the option to set anchor links as a fixed feature within symbols. InVision has never supported this, and it would make prototyping much more efficient. For example, being able to fix anchors like a “Link to top” in a website footer or jumping from a contact link in the header menu directly to a contact form embedded in the footer.

Thanks for these insights @CarmenAtBYTEPOETS , we’re taking notes!

I agree with the everyone here - jumping to an anchor point on the same page or on a different page would be GREATLY WELCOMED. The amount of times I need this feature for a ‘Back to the top’ button or needing to jump to another point on the page from a sub nav is crazy.

It’s so frustrating having a nearly perfect prototype but then having to say to the stake holder ‘oh and this button will link to the section down the page’.

Having migrated from Invision where this was part of the everyday prototyping process, its the biggest niggle with using Sketch Workspace. Everything else Rocks! but you need to get this feature added as a matter of urgency!!

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Hi Dave,

Welcome to the Forum! Indeed, in-page anchors are a much needed addition, but you can create a back to top button already! It’s super simple: just link a layer to its artboard and you’re all set!

Here’s a quick demo:

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