How to Show/Hide Prototyping links?

How can we show/hide prototyping links?

Hey @viraj_limbadia

Prototype links are mostly hidden when you’re working from the design tab. You will only see Prototype links linked to a selected Artboard when designing from this tab. If there’s no Artboard selected, the Prototype links are also hidden. If you return to the prototype tab, all Prototype links will appear.

I found references to using control-F to hide prototype links or going to View > Show Prototyping menu, but neither seems to be available. Has this functionality been removed?

Is there a way to completely hide the prototype links? It is cumbersome when you have a lot of links and can’t hide them. Maybe I’m missing something simple? I hope so.


Hey Damien, welcome to the forum.

I believe this has been removed after the introduction of the Prototype Tab. The way to hide all your prototype links is to go back to the Design Tab and continue working from there.

I’m sure I’ll get used to it, but there are still so many lines going all over, and if I’m purely designing, it would be nice to hide them.

Thank you