how to mimic a Panoramic/360 photo navigation

I’m looking for a way to add or mimic navigation to a 360/panoramic photo in Sketch, to test with users. So that users can look around (pan, tilt, zoom). I’ve been searching in the features, tutorials and plugins but have been unable to find a feature to create this behaviour in Sketch.
It doesn’t need to be 100% functional or true rotation, but mimicking the expected behaviour in a 360 photo viewer would be enough. Perhaps there is a possibility to create this function that I am overlooking. I am completely new to Sketch. Any suggestions?

Hi David, welcome to the forum, it’s great to have you here!

360 views need two things: a panoramic photo and a filter that adds the perspective effect and the continous scroll as you pan or tilt through the image.

We’ve just added scrolling groups as a new feature and with that, you can create a photo that you can pan and tilt, but you’ll still be missing the perspective effect, so the image will be flat as you pan through it and feel differently from a 360 viewer.

Take a look at this quick demo, if it looks good, get the latest beta and give it a try!

Here’s the file too, if you want to try it. You’ll need to open it with the latest Beta for the scrolling to work

Panoramic photo test.sketch (2.3 MB)

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