Cutting, copying and pasting symbol sources

Hi @leohans, here’s the new topic to talk about copying, cutting and pasting symbol sources in Sketch.

As mentioned before, when you cut and paste a symbol source, it’s instances will be converted into groups and repasting the symbol source won’t undo this group conversion.

I’ve also taken note of what you mentioned about keeping these cut symbol sources available until you quit.

I was wondering if you can share a bit more info about your use case, how does cutting symbol sources help you, thanks! :raised_hands:

Hey @leohans , one last thing, I was talking with a colleague and a very common scenario is when you want to move your symbol sources from one page to another.

If this is the case, you can drag and drop the symbol source artboards from the layer list to the target page! That will move the artboard without touching the instances. Let me know if this helps :crossed_fingers:

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Hey @dfmedrano, Alternatives is the name of the game right?

Another way to do this is to use the Automate Sketch plugin:

  • Select the Symbol(s) you want to move
  • Run the Plugins > Automate > Artboard > Move to Page
  • Select the page (or even create a new one from there!)
  • Done! :white_check_mark:


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Yes, this is the main use case since it’s very useful to be able to edit a symbol side by side with some instance to be able to see the changes in context.

The main difference with the suggested workaround is that you choose where to paste the symbol when cutting / pasting.

Thanks for the update Leo! Yeah, cutting and pasting without the Layer list would indeed offer some nice extras