Would be nice if I could copy and paste those settings from one artboard to another.
Sometime I don’t set a Layout initially, or want to copy some changes. There is workarounds, and it’s not a big deal, but it would be less tedious.
“Make Default Setting” doesn’t work well with multiple artboard sizes and templates.
Maybe the Layout and Grid settings could copy/paste with other Artboard settings? (cmd-opt-c / cmd-opt-v)
Or maybe it’s not desirable, and could be in a different copy/paste integrated to the layout/grid panels.
It should probably work like styles so that you can create different layout settings and apply them to artboards. They can also be shared using libraries etc.
Thanks for the tip! I thought there must have been a plugin that did that but hadn’t searched for it yet.
Your screenshot shows the ‘Copy Guide’, but there seems to be a menu for Layout and Grid too.