Copy/Paste Layout and Grid settings between artboards

Would be nice if I could copy and paste those settings from one artboard to another.
Sometime I don’t set a Layout initially, or want to copy some changes. There is workarounds, and it’s not a big deal, but it would be less tedious.

“Make Default Setting” doesn’t work well with multiple artboard sizes and templates.

Maybe the Layout and Grid settings could copy/paste with other Artboard settings? (cmd-opt-c / cmd-opt-v)
Or maybe it’s not desirable, and could be in a different copy/paste integrated to the layout/grid panels.

It should probably work like styles so that you can create different layout settings and apply them to artboards. They can also be shared using libraries etc.

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I use the Automate Plugin for that.


Agreed this would be useful, we’re long overdue for completely revamping layout/grids.

Meanwhile, I’ve moved this topic to the Suggest an idea category so anyone can vote on it.


Thanks for the tip! I thought there must have been a plugin that did that but hadn’t searched for it yet.
Your screenshot shows the ‘Copy Guide’, but there seems to be a menu for Layout and Grid too.

Thanks Paulo, that’s perfect. Did I originally post it in the ‘Share an Issue’ section? My mistake.

I agree for the layouts/grids too :slight_smile: But it’s still very useful in the meantime.