Canvas background color

It would be neat to be in control of the canvas background color surrounding your artboards. If you work with colors close to the light / dark theme background the contrast might not be what you had preferred.

Hey @joakim :wave: Welcome to the forum!

To be clear, do you mean something that goes beyond the option in the screenshot below? Being able to define the exact color of the canvas, as opposed to just: Light/Dark/Follow system setting?

Thanks 🫶🏼

Exactly. Just use the a regular color picker for the canvas.

I just came back to Sketch after not using it for four years and this was the first thing I went to change. Can’t believe it’s not possible. I’m in dark mode but getting blinded by this canvas. We need to set a bg color per file. If not per file, then at minimum set a bg color globally.

We usually take it down a notch to like #e2e2e2. That needs to be happen in the color UI.


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Yeah, I feel this is necessary now, I’m continuing a project in the beta version and now that artboards no longer have shadows, it makes the BG color of my artboards disappear against the workspace color.

:wave: @Ash

You can set shadows to Artboards too!

  • Select an Artboard
  • Add a shadow in the Inspector → tweak it
  • Select Layer → Style → Set as Default Artboard Style

Now every time you create an Artboard it will have the styling properties you’ve set as default. :sunglasses:

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Hiya Jorge!

I went with defining a layer style in the end. I still think it’s a valid feature request though, it’d be very helpful

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Oh, for sure, it’s definitely a valid request, 100%. I just wanted to mention about the shadows, since that’s already available :+1:

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