Tips to achieve the layout using the Text On Path

Hi, i just wondering if anybody can suggest a way to achieve this layout in Sketch using the Text on path tool, any ideas?


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Hey Norbert,

Welcome to the Forum! It’s great to have you here! Sorry for the delay on this reply :grimacing:

There are two tips that have worked great for me when working with Text on Path, but let’s remember the basics first: the text layer needs to be on top of the path layer on the Layer List for Text on path to work. Once you have this order, these are the tips I recommend:

1- Draw your own paths with he vector tool

Premade shapes like ovals or rectangles are much harder to work with. A better approach is to use these premade shapes as a guide, but draw your own paths.

In the logo you shared, put a circle and lock it and then use it to draw two paths: one for the top text and one for the bottom text

2- Always manipulate the text layer through its bounding box

Once the text is on the path it’s likely you’ll want to edit it, but if you try to click right on the text and drag, you may see some unexpected results. Select the text layer on the Layer List and notice where the layer’s bounding box is. If you want to edit the text, click on the bounding box and if you want to move it, select the text and the path layers and then click and drag the text layer bounding box.

Here’s the demo video that shows these two tips in action, I hope it’s useful

And here’s the Sketch document:


Thank you for taking the time to respond, your video instructions are very clear and helpful, finally i understood. Thanks again ! :pray:

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Hey @norbi ,

Thanks so much for watching the video! I’m very glad that it was useful!

Please feel free to share any other questions, ideas of feedback, we’re here to help :raised_hands:

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