Hey, it looks like you’re trying to use the forum! Here are a few tips and tricks to help you make the most of it…
Purrrr-use the cat-egories
Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. But if you’re feline new to this place (sorry, I really will stop now), it’s best to start by looking around the categories. Here’s a quick overview:
- Get Started — You’re here right now! You’ll find this post, and our forum guidelines, here.
Newsroom — Stay in the loop about all things sketch in Announcements. You’ll also find our regular AMA sessions here and an exciting space called Sketch Labs
- Share your knowledge — As the name suggests, this is where you can share your favorite Sketch tips and tricks or ask and answer burning questions in ask the community.
- Suggest an idea — This is where you…um…suggest an idea. If you’d like to see a feature or improvement in Sketch, here’s the place to post it.
- Share an issue — Another cryptic name for a channel where you can share issues you’re experiencing with Sketch (I need to tell you this is not an official support channel, though).
- Off-topic — For all those conversations that defy categories, here’s a category they can’t defy.
Search before you post
The first rule about the forum is don’t talk about the forum. The second rule of the forum is to search for similar/existing topics before you post a new one.
Click on the magnifying glass icon in the navbar to start a search from anywhere on the forum. If you’re already in a category, you can search within that category, or in the rest of the forum.
My pro tip: Search within a relevant category first, then go for a broader, forum-wide search if you can’t find what you need.
Flagging content
Spotted something that seems spammy, inappropriate or against our forum guidelines? Hit the flag icon at the bottom of the post and someone from the team will pick it up. There are no jokes in this paragraph, just a bunch of people wanting to make this a great space for everyone.
Don’t forget to like and subscribe
Liking a post with a shows people you found it valuable. It’s just a nice thing to do. Try it! And you never know, you might get to experience that fuzzy feeling you get when someone likes one of your posts too.
Whenever you enter a conversation, you can choose just how involved you want to be. Click on the bell button underneath any topic and select the notification option that works best. You can choose between muting all notifications, actively watching the space, or keeping track of any @name mentions.
Okay, that’s my round-up of tips and tricks over with! Good luck, get out there, and enjoy the forum!