Show all unused library elements

Dear Community,

I use libraries for many components and icons. How do you keep your documents organized? Is there a way to display all unused library elements?
I sometimes find it challenging to keep track of which elements are actively in use or can be discarded, especially when working on different alternative designs for clients and collaborating with multiple designers.

Automate has the “Remove unused symbols” feature, but I would still prefer to decide for myself which symbols in the libraries should be removed. Also, this function only works within the same document.
I’d love to see something similar to Automate’s Find+Replace Layer Styles feature, where you can easily see how often a layer style has been used, including in overrides, which I find extremely handy (cf. screenshot)

…any ideas or useful plugin suggestions?

I’m not an expert in organising documents, but I do see a feature request here which I’ll keep in mind.

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