Question regarding color profiles

Hello! I’m using P3 color profile on one of my files but when I export images they are not as bright. I’m using Macbook Pro with M chip which supports P3 color space. What is the problem here? I remember there were some discussions about this but I can’ locate them. Would appreciate help! Thanks!

:wave: Are you making sure that this box is NOT checked when exporting?


Ahhh, that’s it! I would’ve never thought about that. I also noticed ImageOptim removes this when exporting so I had to disable it. Maybe ImageOptim has an option to compress without removing color profile data?

EDIT: It does →

Is Sketch export using ImageOptim in the background? I know there is ImageOptim plugin from Ale and I’m using it, but I’m wondering what is Sketch doing without the plugin. Any insights into that?

Hey there. :wave:
Just to clarify, we are not using ImageOptim in the export process.
We use Apple’s ImageIO to output all file formats – except WebP, which is a separate piece of code.

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Thanks for clarification!

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