Page name disappears

Hey, I’m running 99.5 and there is some bug as you can see below the video. When I click the opened page from the list, page name disappears from the title. Also with this view it’s good to show opened page with checkmark icon. So I can see which page is already open.

Hi @yeb :wave:,

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue.

I took the liberty to run a few tests and noticed this won’t happen with version 100 (beta).
CleanShot 2024-04-18 at 10.24.50

If you wish, you can download the beta version already available here, test it, and see if the issue has disappeared.

I would appreciate your feedback if you download and test the beta version. On the other hand, I understand if you prefer to wait until the v100 final version is available.

I hope this helps! :crossed_fingers:

Cheers :pray:

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Yes, the Beta version doesn’t have this problem. We will wait for the stable version and update then. Thanks.