Import figma files doesn't work

Hey. Hey. I’m new to the Sketch world and I’m wondering how I can import a Figma (.fig) file into Sketch, because this tutorial on Import Figma files to Sketch · Sketch doesn’t work. When I want to import a figma file, the .fig is disabled in the Finder… Drag&Drop doesn’t work either.

Hello @TonyB,

Welcome to this community and thank you for reaching out!

From reading your post, I think that the issue is happening because you’ve are using the Sketch app version from the Mac App Store.

You see, when Sketch became available for download on the Mac App Store, we had to make some adjustments to the software to comply with the App Store Guidelines. As a result, some features, such as Figma importer, were restricted. This leads to the experience you are having.

To overcome this, you can download a Sketch version directly from our website: Download the latest Sketch software updates · Sketch. Any version downloaded from this website is free from Apple’s App Store Guidelines, so you won’t face any issues.

Give it a try and let us know if works for you.

Cheers :pray:

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Thank you @Cris :slight_smile:

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