How to remove my old laptop as 1 seat so that I can use my license

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    I installed Sketch 3 years ago in a old laptop, now I renewed my license on a new laptop, but I cannot use it because it is said that my seat has been used. I need to finish an image edit by 5:00pm tomorrow, could you help me with that?

  • Do you have an image, video or Sketch document showcasing this bug? Try and include this if you can!
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Hey, @leighjin! Try accessing License Admin with your SK3 key. You should get a list of all devices where you can also remove them. Let me know if that helps!

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@leighjin I have edited your post to remove your Screenshot with the License Key, we don’t want that to get to the wrong hands!

If you’re still having issues, please reach out to us at and we’ll be more than happy to help!

Hi Vladan and Raul, thank you very much for all the help. The issue has been resolved. I can use Sketch now.
Thanks a lot !