Group to which all styles can be applied

It would be nice to see a new type of group (Frame???) Which could have the following properties:

  • Has its own size and radius of corners, which does not depend on the elements within the group.
  • You could hide elements that protrude from the borders without hiding the styles (like shadows) you applied to the group itself.
  • Can apply all styles. Such as fills, borders, shadows, etc…
  • Nested elements had coordinates not from the Artboard, but from this group.


groups could be used to set backgrounds, border-radius and the non plus ultra would be adding a padding :wink:


  • 1 for this. A must-have feature for a rapid web/app design workflow.

We need the “Frame” concept in Sketch. A group of sorts that’s able to get its own layer styles, at least a background and radius with options to clip contents.

Padding indeed would be a game-changer.

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Hey folks, thanks for sharing.

This is on our radar and we’re discussing it internally. We’ll keep the community posted once we know more!