Blur applied to smart animate prototype transitions crashes Sketch

In the latest beta (maybe even before?) blur applied to smart animate prototype transitions crashes Sketch.

Hi Vedran!

I took the liberty to split this post to a new one in the Share an issue category, hope you don’t mind!

Could you tell us more about it? We’re not aware of an issue like this and a video showing it in action would help a lot. We’d like to reproduce it.

If you prefer, you can contact us in and send us a link to an affected document as well (or a copy the file itself!).

Thanks for moving the ticket!

Attached is the video and the file. The problem occurs in a few cases, only one is shown in the video. All the cases that I was able to find:

  • Applying blur to one symbol layer
  • Applying blur to multiple symbol layers (shown in the video)
  • Somehow being able to apply blur to symbol layer after Sketch restart, but then Sketch crashes when I run prototype and initiate transition

This is all on the latest macOS and latest beta using MB Pro (M1 Pro).

Let me know if you’ll need more information.

Testing beta.sketch (5.7 MB)


Hi Vedran!

We’ve been able to reproduce the issue with your document. We’re going to file the issue internally and our devs will take a look at it.

Thank you so much for mentioning it! We’ll report back :bowing_man:

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