Text style problem in Arabic and Persian languages

The last letters or word(s) don’t change after changing the text style. It happens when text is pasted to the sketch.

Screenshot from Sketch 97 and older versions:

There is no problem in Sketch 96.x. Screenshot from Sketch 96.3

Sample file:
Text style bug arabic-persian.sketch (219.6 KB)

If you want to reproduce the bug, in the sample file change the text style between “Style 1” and “Style 2”. You will see the last character doesn’t change.

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Hey @Taha,

Thank you so much for the report and for the sample Document! We were able to replicate and have filled an issue with the team so they can inspect and investigate what could be happening here that Text Elements fail to convert all the characters within to the appropriate Style.

As soon as we know more, we’ll report back!

Huge thanks once again! :pray:

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Hi @raulrincon,
Do you have any updates on this issue?
To avoid this bug, We are using the old version of Sketch (96.3), which creates many problems and difficulties for the design team.
This issue probably affects all designers who work on Arabic and Persian languages. Please list this on critical issues.

Thank you for following up.

Hey @Taha

Thank you for following up on this! I just messaged the team in charge of this to get an update, as there was some investigation happening around the issue, but the issue itself has not been updated yet.

As soon as I know more, I’ll update you! :pray: