Text properties are not shown

Text properties are not shown after selecting text layers from instances of different symbols.

  1. Select a text layer in one instance
  2. Holding shift, select a text layer in another instance
    → no properties are shown in the right panel (i’d love the properties to be shown here, but as I understand, no properties are shown for instances of 2 different symbols, so this is the expected behaviour)
  3. Deselect layers by clicking outside
  4. Select the first text layer again
    → no properties are shown in the right panel (should be shown as I am just selecting a text layer in an instance)
  5. Deselect the text layer
  6. Select the whole instance
  7. Deselect the instance
  8. Select the text layer again
    → the text properties are shown in the right panel.

text properties.sketch (316.3 KB)

Hey @ianas,

Phew! This is indeed a bug. I’m filing this one and sharing it with the team so they can look into it.

Thanks for flagging this! :pray: