I’m working on making a repeating pattern. I have two tiles which are color inversions of each other that I want to repeat. The problem I’m running into is that the SVG is exported with a subtle line between the tiles, which somewhat ruins the effect.
I seem to have solved it for the seam between the left and right tiles by not using the snap-to feature and instead giving them a tiny overlap, but that isn’t working for the seam between the top and bottom tiles.
Hi there. Thanks for sending that document through.
When I look closely at it, I can see that certain parts of the tile are not sitting on the edges of the Artboard, and they are also positioned on non-whole number co-ordinates.
When I take these tile patterns and make each one a perfectly square Symbol, and then place these Symbol Instances onto a whole-number pixel grid with no gaps between them, then the seams disappear.
It’s worth noting though that at certain view sizes / magnifications in the edit environment, you might still see a seam on your document, but rest assured, if set up correctly, they will not appear in any exports.