I’m a bit surprised that you weren’t able to reproduce the performance problem with this file. Inside the file I have created 3 TEST pages that should immediately show performance issues when manipulating artboards or symbols. Would you like to set up a video call so I can give you instructions and we can see how your machine performs?
I definitely experience performance issues with your document. But having left the document open overnight after making edits yesterday, I am not seeing a further decline in performance as described in this discussion.
Hi @Kevin
Ok, at least you see the performance issues. It would be great if the Sketch team could be open about this issue and provide more details about what is really causing the performance issues and if you are going to fix it. This is an old problem and I can’t imagine anymore doing a new design project with Sketch if you don’t address it.
I am using my machine that I use for looking into performance problems, where I’m running a debug version of Sketch in Xcode on a 2018 Intel 13" MBP. Any performance related issue is always exaggerated with this configuration.
The issue I’m seeing is to do with the many symbols on the test pages.
I have not installed any of the plugins that you have installed and enabled, and I could well imagine that these would more than just exacerbate the performance problems. For example many plugins listen for a change in the selection, amongst other observers they install.
Thank you for offering and for your availability to do a video call with me, but I’m afraid it would not be the most productive since what we are trying to figure out here is whether there is an increment of performance issues when the document is open for long periods (as mentioned in previous communication). It would be a very long call , and although I’m very thankful for your availability , I would not make you go through that.
As I mentioned, I’ve gathered a few team members (@Kevin is one of those team members) to help me check if any of us had an increase in performance issues while the document was open and edited for long periods of time. We could not observe that, and that’s what I was refering to of the 6th January. Apologies if that was not clear enough.
There are a few things we managed to observe, but from the records we have, we know you reported those before, and they were properly escalated and are still being considered for future improvements.
Once again, I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to help us.
Sketch Version 101.6 (182078)
Mac Studio
Apple M1 Ultra
64 GB memory
Mac Os Sonoma 14.5
This is mine activity monitor, on a project with 3 pages and like 25 artboards around 50 symbols few big images…every 15/20 minutes sketch became unresponsive for like 10/15 seconds, plus in a random mode when i focus out for example i go on the web browser or in photoshop, again i have to wait like 10/15 seconds to get back in Sketch. For me it’s not a matter of time, the problems appear immediately upon opening, and randomly throughout the entire working process on the file. Is enough, sorry guys i always defended Sketch but i think the latest versions have gotten much worse, is just a “CPU HOG”. I’m really sorry to have to say this but we had discuss this issue in my office and we are about to switch to Figma . And sorry i cannot share the document for privacy reasons.
Hello there! I wonder if you could help the Sketch folks troubleshoot this abnormal CPU usage by collecting one particularly important piece of diagnostics?
Alternatively, here’s how I usually do via Activity Monitor:
Next time when Sketch becomes unresponsive, open Activity Monitor, select the Sketch.app row in the list and choose the “Sample Process” option from the toolbar:
A new window will appear that contains a bunch of debug information for Sketch folks to dig into. There’s a “Save” in the top right corner – please save this info as a file and share either here in the thread or by emailing it to productsupport@sketch.com:
I’ve opened a new topic to address @Cux’s report, since it’s a different performance issue. It’s currently under investigation and any updates to it will be posted in the new topic here: Performance issue when opening a document
Thanks everyone for sharing your reports and special thanks to @rodionovd for your help too!
Considering the investigation done for @Ash and @Paulius reports, I’m closing this topic.
Of course, any new peformance issues can be filed in new topics or as always, you can reach us in our support email productsupport@sketch.com