After I updated to v0.1.4 using the Plugins screen, something went wrong with the Plugin.
I installed the version that you posted on the Github page, and it works, but the shapewill be displaced outside the artboard.
Ah yes, this PR you’ve linked to doesn’t contain a fix for icons with non-zero origin. But this fix should be a part of 0.1.4 release, so I’m wondering why it doesn’t work for you. I guess deleting the plugin and re-downloading it from here wouldn’t help?
I uninstalled the current version and installed the latest version you shared in the link. The plugin is not working at all.
Heh, the official 0.1.4 release does indeed not work at all, despite having the exact same code as my latest PR. Weird, I guess it has something to do with JavaScript build pipeline and/or plugin publishing – which I don’t fully understand.
Anyways, feel free to grab my copy of the plugin that actually works: - Google Drive (it’s the same 0.1.4 inside)