Sketch Runner is not compatible with 99.1

Knowing Sketch’s usual practice of updating one thing while breaking another it may be not necessary a bug, but still. C’mon guys, we need that plugin working.

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We’ve marked it as incompatible because there’s a bug in Runner that causes it (and therefore Sketch) to crash if you undo edits to text styles.
However, that’s just a precautionary matter, you can still enable the plugin and use it probably without too much issue.

Note that we’re putting the final touches on a new feature that should replace Runner for most uses cases. I think you’ll like it :slight_smile:


Fingers crossed:-)

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Hey @reznikdesign

The new feature, the Command bar, is out now in our beta. Feel free to give it a try. I hope you like it!

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Quite an update! Thanks, gonna check it soon.

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