Sketch 101: Unable to edit all Overrides (Hover/Pressed)

I have various symbols that have the default state as the lower level and hover states above it, as well as pressed states that are hidden in the symbol, but OnHover and OnPress are visible accordingly in the prototype.

Previously (Sketch 100) it was necessary to change the text override in each of the layers, as well as the corresponding icon. Now this constraint no longer exists, but it is now only possible to change the text and the icon of the displayed default layer within a symbol instance via override. If I then test everything in the prototype, I see the changed text and the changed icon in the default state, but OnHover and OnPress I only see the placeholder text and the placeholder icon from the parent symbol.

How can I change the missing overrides?

It would of course be better if the text override and the icon override were applied directly to all layers and I could optionally change them for individual layers …

Bildschirmfoto 2024-09-18 um 14.57.50




Prototype Default:

Prototype Hover:

Prototype Press:

Here are the options I can see for changing the overrides:

So far, there have been three input fields for editing the override text for each state, as well as three options (or, until now, the obligation) to change the icon via override.

Unfortunately, I am now also no longer able to edit existing symbol instances that I have built in the same way, which still worked yesterday with Sketch 100.3. This is really a blocker.

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Hi Christian,

Thanks for reporting this. We’re looking into this. Currently, you’d have to turn on the visibility of the hidden layers in the symbol source to make them available for overriding on the instances, which I’m aware would change how your instances will look on canvas: you’ll see the state that’s at the top (likely, the pressed state).

I’ll report back as soon as possible.


Hello @dfmedrano

Thank you for taking a look at this.

So if I understand you correctly, the approach so far has been:

  1. change the texoverride for press layer.
  2. change the texoverride for the hover layer.
  3. change the text override for the default layer
  4. change the icon override for the press layer.
  5. change the icon override for the hover layer
  6. change the icon override for the default layer.

And the new approach from Sketch 101:

  1. change the visibility of the press layer (uncheck hide)
  2. change the visibility of the hover layer (uncheck hide)
  3. change the text override for the press layer
  4. change the text override for the hover layer
  5. change the text override for the default layer
  6. change the icon override for the press layer.
  7. change the icon override for the hover layer
  8. change the icon override for the default layer.
  9. change the visibility of the press layer again (check hide)
  10. change the visibility of the hover layer again (check hide)


Hi Christian,

This is an issue that needs fixing and the team is working on it. There’s been good progress! The fix will bring back the same behavior from version 100.3: you’ll see the overrides from the hidden, nested symbols on the Inspector.

The fix is still going through the testing pipeline, I’ll be posting any relevant updates as they become available.


Hi @Xhaust

Sketch 101.1 has been released and it includes a fix for this issue! Thanks for your report and let us know if we can help with anything else :raised_hands: