Question on how to create a responsive button

Hi all, I’m pretty new to Sketch (I previously used Figma) and I cannot figure out how to make a responsive button with responsive padding on all sides. I found that I’m only able to keep the padding consistent either horizontally or vertically. My process is the following: text on top of rectangle, group them, then make them a symbol. Then once it’s a symbol, I set layout to be horizontal and center or vertical and center, but not both. I’m also unable to specify the dimensions for padding without manually positionning. Please help!

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As far as I know, this is not possible. Unfortunately.

Hi there @nkhuu,

Welcome to the Forum! It’s great to have you here!

There are some differences (as expected) between how Figma and Sketch work, but I think we can get pretty close when it comes to responsive components. Yes, you need to set paddings manually but Smart Layout will keep them consistent once you’ve set them.

I have a question though. When it comes to responsive components, you can get padding consistency too, but since you mentioned a button, I wanted to ask if you can share some screenshots of what you want to build.

Buttons normally only need to grow horizontally. Cards on the other hand, are a great example of a responsive component (and those can be made in Sketch!) For instance, this card below is the same component using Smart Layout, and it adapts to different widths

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