Problem with exporting SVG in the web application

I sent the landing page design to the developer today using the web app, but when they exported one of the background components, it turned out weird. When I exported it with the Mac app, everything looked fine though.

Hey Damian,

Thanks for reporting this.

Can you share with us a sample file with the background component? You can share it here or to our support email

Many thanks :pray:

Hey @damiandmowski,

Just checking in about this issue. I’ve tried to reproduce the issue and I do get some unexpected results but I still don’t get the exact same result as you. I hope it’s possible to share the sample.


Hey! Sorry about that, it’s been a weird week and I totally forgot! Here’s the file! Let me know if it helps.
svg bug.sketch (90.4 KB)

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Hey, no worries at all! I hope all turns out for the best this week :crossed_fingers:

I tested the file and it seems this was created using the Beta 102 version, right? If this is correct, that would be the reason why the export works from the Mac app, but not from the Web app: we still need to make some updates there :sweat_smile:

I’ve shared this with the team so they can make sure it’s covered in the future.

Thanks again and let me know if you have any questions

I don’t think that’s the issue. I recreated everything in version 101.5, uploaded it, and still got the same result. Here’s the link below:

You’re right Damian,

Thanks for the clarification. I’ve filed this and shared the report with the team.