I was a massive fan of Runner. I loved how easy it was to insert any of my symbols with a simple command. I’m pretty sure that with all the updates, and the fact the Runner isn’t being updated, a lot of the features are native now. What’s the quickest way to add an existing symbol from my current document into my design? I’m not having much success with Command+K… for. If Command+K and type chip (knowing I have a symbol named ‘Chip’ I get the Mini Map, which is CRAZY and not even close.
View > Canvas > Show MInimap
I use the shortcut “C” a lot, which opens all the components in an overlay, which is searchable.
Concerning plugins I can recommend the plugin Automate which offers a lot of functionality that works well together with the Cmd+K bar, so that it gets close to the Runner functionality
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Hey @Caspian
Inserting Symbols from the Command Bar is on our mind (also thanks to the feedback on this forum).
I can’t share a specific date yet, but we’ll keep you posted on the forum once we know more.
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Thanks for that tip. Didn’t know about Automate.