Currently in trial to possibly return to the good old sketch but I am getting hung up on basic little features that are really bugging me on a daily basis. Things that I need to do very often are just taking longer than they should and the hex field is one of the biggest issues for me.
TLDR: Please improve the Hex field:
- When I type a and hit enter it should save ‘aaaaaa’
- When I type 5 and hit enter it should save ‘555555’
- When I type ‘fa’ and hit enter it should save ‘fafafa’
Also, I want to be able to use up and down arrows on the hex field.
- When the current value is ‘cccccc’ and I hit up arrow it should change to ‘cdcdcd’
- When the current value is ‘cccccc’ and I hit down arrow it should change to ‘cbcbcb’
- When you add shift it should move ten of those steps instead of one
Can’t be the only one that would like this behaviour. Please put this in, this would massively improve QOL