Image Crop - a new feature in the Fill option?

Are you planning to add an Image Crop feature? Framer recently did it in a very interesting way (similar to Figma). Thanks in advance!

We’re toying with some ideas around non-destructive cropping. Thanks for the suggestion!


Yes, I would really like a feature like this as well. Often times I’ll use an image as a fill, but I realize I want to be able to position the image within that fill. So either cropping, or having a “focal point” or something like that would be really cool.


XD does it well – double click on any shape with an image fill and you can freely move/resize the image within its container.


Would love to see it

Yeah, I’d love to see this too, in both image place and image fills - the current marquee box then click crop workflow feels pretty barebones and old school

Why would this be better than using a mask (we do this a lot)?

Because this would allow you to adjust the image if it were nested in a symbol. Using a mask does exactly what we need, but you can’t adjust them in a symbol instance.

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@jonne I’m guessing this is related to [Developing] Corner radius on Images - #5 by jkilp – is it also [Developing]?

I’m afraid it’s not related.

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