"Send symbol to symbols page" inconsistency

In 100.3 when creating a symbol - if it’s a group, the checkbox will be visible, but if you do the same for a single layer or an artboard, the checkbox is missing and the symbol is created on the canvas.

In the 101 beta, the “Send symbol to symbols page” checkbox never appears.

Hey Ash,

Thanks for sharin this. I tested in both 100.3 and the latest beta and the behavior was consistent and working properly. Here’s the summary:

  • Sketch remembers you previous choice (send or not to the Symbols page)
  • If the document is new, you’ll be asked to create a Symbol’s page. If you choose not to do so, the symbol will be created on canvas and this choice will be remembered
  • If you choose to create a Symbols page, next time the checkbox will be enabled by default, you can choose not to send this newer symbol to the Symbols page and it will be created on canvas
  • You can create a page named “Symbols” at any time and then you’ll see the checkbox the next time you create a symbol
  • Artboards turned to symbols are always created on canvas, you need to manually move them to the Symbols page if you prefer to have them there

The behavior for creating symbols out of single layers, groups and artboards was correct in the tests I made in both final 100.3 and beta 101


New document, there’s no Symbols page and I see the checkbox


Same thing happens if I create a symbol from a group

Artboards are always created on the same page


If I choose not to create a symbols page, the symbol will be created on canvas

I won’t see the checkbox for newer symbols, but I can create a page named “Symbols” to bring the checkbox back


Can you try again and let us know if you still run into the issue? Many thanks!

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One extra tidbit I’d like to add to this (Jorge’s post pretty much covers all the functionality of the Create new Symbol feature), is that you can use Automate Sketch to move Symbols from page to page, with ease.

  • Download and Install Automate Sketch
  • Select your Symbol
  • In the menubar: Plugin → Automate → Artboard → More → Move to Page…
  • Select the page you’d like to move this Symbol to
  • Press OK
  • :white_check_mark: Done!

With this you should be able to move Symbols to any page, in case you want to keep a very organised and tidy Library. :+1:


Ok. So I think I have tracked this down now.

If I open a fresh document and create a symbol I get the checkbox as I’d expect. It works for both objects and groups, artboards do not have the checkbox, as demonstrated.

But if I open a new document, convert an artboard to a symbol, then subsequently try and create a symbol from a layer or group, I will not get the checkbox, meaning from that point onwards I no longer have the option to create the symbols page.

Make sense?

First off, I’m not sure I understand arbitrarily enforcing symbols containing artboards do not get the option to be sent to another page. What’s the context there? But also yeah, if I do this first, I no longer get the option to create and send subsequent symbols to a symbols page.

I’m aware this can be done manually later on, but it feels pretty janky and broken.

Edit: So I’m assuming the “No artboards in the symbols page” rule is something to do with symbols being a variant of an artboard themselves on the symbols page? This kind of feels like the tail wagging the dog from a UX perspective, unless I’m missing some additional context for why it’s ended up this way. Maybe to do with constraints and nested artboards maybe?
The users desired action is “make something reusable” the semantic differences shouldn’t really matter to them if it has no real material effect.

Another edit:

The workflow I’d suggest would be to simply leave the checkbox there, all the time. I’ll demonstrate it with a bit of pseudo code:

If user creates symbol & checkbox checked = create symbol page and send symbol
else if user creates symbol & checkbox unchecked = Leave symbol in place

If user creates additional symbol and symbol page does not exist {
if user creates symbol & checkbox unchecked = leave symbol in place
else if user creates symbol and & checkbox checked = create symbol page, send symbol and ask user if they would like to relocate all previous symbols

Hi Ash,

Thanks for the reply. I’ll start with the end :stuck_out_tongue: – thanks for sharing this suggestion:

I’ve added it as a Feature request.

Now, let’s go back to a couple of points I think are worth clarifying:

1- You can create a Symbols page at any time

Following your example, after creating a Symbol from an artboard you can create a page named “Symbols” and that will bring the checkbox back, so any symbols created afterwards can be sent there:

2- All symbols are artboards in their source

All Symbols have an artboard in their source and you can move them to the Symbols page. The reason why it’s not done automatically is because when you create a symbol from a layer or group, the layer or group becomes an instance and the source needs to live somewhere else: the Symbols page or the page where you created it.

Artboards are also top level containers and transforming them into an instance directly can have undesired implications, like breaking flow in a series of screens or breaking prototyping links. This is why having artboards not sent automatically to the Symbols page is deliberate.