New Mac beta: v101 available now

I really appreciate the improvements for PDF export in this beta. I wonder if better access to the PDF export dialog from the inspector is warranted now that we have better control? Experience feels disjointed between the inspector and file menu workflow. I’m not 100% convinced that anything needs to change but throwing it out there anyways.

Do you think it would be possible to export the entire canvas as a single PDF?

As you know, we position the artboards according to the scenario flow. As you are also aware, we do not save local documents in the workspace due to security reasons. Exporting the canvas as a single PDF could be useful for us to show the flow and take notes on it when local handoffs.

Hey @yeb,

Exporting all your canvas contents is already possible with slices. All you need to do is draw one big slice that covers the area of the canvas you need to export and you’re done!

If you’ve tried this option but you’re not totally convinced about it, could you share why? Thanks in advance! :raised_hands:


Hi @nico-v, thanks for sharing.

The new PDF export features work at document level. In the new export dialog, you can see all your pages, all your artboards and then choose what you need and export it, regardless of any options present or not in your artboards and layers, which is where the Inspector comes in.

Would you mind sharing a bit more why/how this feels disjointed in your workflow? Thanks! :pray:

Hi! It’s mostly because I have to leave the context of my canvas/inspector to access this functionality. I understand that any artboards selected in the canvas space are remembered when you call the dialog through the File menu (which is good), it’s just the extra step and changing contexts that feels like an interruption (I like staying in the canvas area as much as possible). Like I said, I’m not 100% convinced myself that it’s bad or wrong but wanted to mention it. Appreciate the response!

Hey Jorge. Thank you so much. I am embarrassed that I didn’t know this :smiley:

It’s a very important and useful feature. Sketch is my best friend (:


Hey @yeb we’re here for you! Thanks for your support and keep the questions coming! :raised_hands: :smiley:

I noticed an issue with inline artboard renaming and selecting artboard when its name is just one letter.

Maybe it has to do with the icon before the name. I can click left artboard name, but can’t even select the right one.

CleanShot 2024-08-04 at 12.55.54

I guess this is a non-functional auto-layout preview in the latest beta :slight_smile:


Hi Oleksii,

Can you select “About Sketch Beta” from the application menu and take screen shot of the version window that is displayed? Thanks


CleanShot 2024-08-05 at 07.32.25


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Hey @wwwedran, thanks for sharing.

We’re aware of this issue and have filed it internally. I’ve added this post from you so we can share an update when available. :pray:

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Or you could jus share it early :wink:

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Hey there! I’ve been testing version 101 since the beginning, but I’ve noticed some strange things happening over the last few updates. When I remove duplicates (like shapes), they disappear in the layers view, but the canvas still shows the old design. I have to restart Sketch Beta to see the updates. The same issue happens when I change the layer order or group and ungroup elements. This is happening across multiple files, but everything works fine with Sketch 100.3.

Hey @damiandmowski I think we’ve caught this one and should have a new beta out later today that fixes it. I’ll give you a head’s up when it’s out in case you want to try it.


Hey again @damiandmowski — there’s a beta update that should fix this! If you’re still running into it let me know and I’ll ask someone to take a further look.

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Yep, I downloaded and gave it a quick test yesterday, and everything seems to be working fine now. I’ve been tied up with video editing for the past 24 hours, so I haven’t had a chance to run any heavy tests yet. I’ll keep you posted over the next few days, but so far, it looks good!

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This is still present in the latest beta.

Hey folks, the latest beta update adds the option to use a middle mouse button (if you have one) to pan the Canvas — a much-requested feature!